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Jake Kelley on the New “Loot” Model in PE-C

An interview with the star of the show…

Treasure. Booty. Dough. Jackpot. Plunder. Well, almost Plunder. An exciting new shape in the same vein of the Plunder model—but with less width in the nose and a 5 fins setup—the all new Loot shape is a more versatile, if not high-performance version sure to help you strike gold the next session. Just watch team rider, Jake Kelley, give it a spin. Available in our new PE-C Technology (Polyurethane Core, Epoxy Lamination & Composite Stringer with iBeam flex), the Loot’s got more pop than it looks with a gorgeously responsive PE-C feel. Jake was kind enough to give us his take on one of our favourite new shapes.



Hey Jake! So based on the clips I’ve been seeing of you, the Loot definitely looks like it works in a wide variety of conditions….what are you favourite waves for it?


Jake Kelley: I really didn’t know what to expect out of the Loot when I first got it. I rode it on our Indo team trip first in some really fun beach break tubes and it worked pretty epic. Then when I brought it home, I started riding it in everything. My favourite surf to ride it in was around head-high, punchy beach break, and also a punchy cobblestone point by my house. It’s got a really cool feel to go fast on because it’s so flat, so it carries a ton of speed. Then when you step back you can still put it on rail. It’s one of the funnest air boards I’ve ever had, too because with that speed—it carries a lot of pop. It’s also really smooth on rail because you can transfer  through all the flat spots on waves. 


Unreal! So, what’s your favourite features, technically about the Loot?

My favourite feature about the board is the really low rocker and flat deck. I really like a board that can go fast and has pop with a big surface to land on. That’s what I like about the wide point so far up as well: you can pretty much position yourself on any part of the board and feel comfortable. 



Right on. And this new PE-C construction it’s in…how’s that ride or feel to you?

With the PE-C tech, and this being my first board that I tried it on, I felt like it had a lot of spring to it. It’s also such a light layup so the types of waves you are going to want to ride this board in fits it perfect. 


Would you say there any other Haydenshapes that the Loot is similar to?

I’d say the Loot is similar to the Plunder, which I haven’t tried yet, but the outline looks similar, the Loot is just more high performance. For me it’s not much like any board I’ve ridden before. I’d say the closest feel I had to another board as this one would be the Hypto Krypto, but the Loot feels a bit quicker in transition, actually.




Damn, I gotta try one! What kind of surfers would you say would love the Loot?

I’d say that the Loot is really perfect for a wide variety of surfers. It’s perfect for the beginner because it’s so stable, fast and forgiving, but also great for a higher caliber surfer because it’s fun to switch around to different feeling boards, especially when you are trying to get through the summer months in California. 


Any other thoughts about the board or memorable sessions you had where it really shined?

I had one session with Nate Tyler at a beach-break by my house that was really memorable. It felt like you could ride the board however you wanted, hitting sections or speeding down the line to do an air. It glides real well through a head high tube as well. I figured that one out during this session! 



Production By: Taylor Curran

Surfer: Jake Kelley

Board: Loot PE-C